Limit Gauges for Screw Threads
検査の方法は生産される各部品の許容限界寸法の上限、下限の許容差內にあるかをGO, NOT GOの限界方式のゲージを用いて検査します。
The limit gauges for screw threads are provided in the same class with the screw standard and are used for the corresponding screws.
By using GO and NOT GO limit gauges, the workpieces produced are inspected for assuring whether their limit size are within upper and lower of the limit deviation tolerances or not, respectively.
ISO-based JIS Standard
JIS規格ではおねじの外徑をプレーンリングゲージまたはプレーンハサミゲージ、めねじ內徑はプレーンプラグゲージを用いて検査す ることを原則として定めています。
Please use the thread limit gauges corresponding to various screws such as meter screw, bicycle screw, uni?ed screw, sewing machine screw, etc. The limit gauges are divided into ISO-based JIS and conventional JIS (for inspection and production use).
According to JIS, outside diameter of the male screws are basically measured using plain ring gauge or snap gauge and inside diameter of female screws are measured using plain plug gauge.
By using such the gauges, the complex element of the screw can be inspected easily and quickly. Therefore, such the gauges are e?ective to control the quality of the workpieces in mass-production line.
このゲージはJIS規格には規定されておりませんが、普通多量生産用に使われている限界ねじゲージとは異なり、高精度のはめあいを要求する少量のねじの検査に適します。被チェックねじは、できるだけねじゲージにしっくりとし たはめあい狀態にするのが望ましいとされています。
The standard thread gauge is a couple of thread gauges consisted of thread ring gauge and thread plug gauge that ?ts perfectly.
The elements of the screwed parts are made extremely similar to the basic pro?le of the screw thread.
This gauge is not speci?ed in JIS and di?ers from limit thread gauges usually used in mass-production line.
These gauges are suitable for inspecting small amount of screws which must be engaged perfectly.
The screws to be checked should be fitted perfectly as much as possible to the thread gauges.